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Research interest

Estuarine dynamics
To understand the hydrodynamics driven by river-tide interactions and sediment transport processes in estuarine environments, in particular in the context of climate change and human pressures.

Microplastic transport
To improve the understanding and modelling of the behaviour, transport processes, and fate of microplastics. A particular goal is to define the role of transitional waters as source and sink of marine plastic debris.

Transport processes along the continuum
To undestand the hydro-morphosedimentary feedbacks between neighbourg muddy coastal sytems and investigate the flux of sediments and microplastics through the estuary-coast-ocean continuum.

Field measurements
In-situ observations of physical parameters: currents, turbidity, salinity, temperature, water level, waves.

Signal analysis
Descriptive, statistical, harmonic and spectral (e.g. SSA, WCT, EMD, LSP, CD) methods for the analysis of time series.

Idealized and numerical (Eularian and Lagrangian) models of flow and transport of sediment and particles.