PhD position: Microplastic Dynamics in a macrotidal hyper-turbid estuary

Supervisors: Isabel Jalón-Rojas (; Damien Sous (; Aldo Sottolichio ( Start Date: November or December 2022 Duration: 3-years contract, already 100% funded (ANR JCJC PLASTINEST) Host Institution: EPOC laboratory, University of Bordeaux Salary: 23,7 € (gross) / year ABSTRACT Plastic pollution is recognised as one of the most critical anthropogenic issues in aquatic environments worldwide. […]


TrackMPD is a three-dimensional particle-tracking model for the transport of marine plastic debris in oceans, coastal, and estuarine systems. The power of TrackMPD lies in: its compatibility with diverse formats of current-velocity inputs; its ability to extend the Lagrangian modelling of advection-diffusion by adding more-complex and realistic particle behaviours and physical processes. its user-friendly design […]

designed and created by Isabel Jalon Rojas